Install metapack

Install dependencies

Run install.packages(c("Rcpp","RcppArmadillo","RcppProgress","BH")) to install the dependencies.

Simple install

metapack is available on CRAN through install.packages('metapack'). To get the development version, run


Complex install

From the Github repo, click 📥Code button and download ZIP. Run the following commands:

file.rename("metapack-master", "metapack")
system("R CMD build metapack")
install.packages(list.files(pattern="(metapack)(.*)(.tar.gz)"), repos = NULL, type = "source")

Or download this TAR file and run

install.packages("metapack_0.1.1.tar.gz", type="source", repo=NULL)

Troubleshooting for potential errors

The package runs C++ behind the scenes, and therefore the computer on which this package will be used must have C++ compilers installed beforehand. Otherwise, the installation might fail.

  • For Windows users - Download and install Rtools here.
  • For Mac users - Please install the latest Xcode. It comes with all related compilers.
  • For Linux - Install r-base-dev or its equivalents according to your distro through the package manager of your system. For example, on Ubuntu 18.04, run apt install r-base-dev. While installing the devtools package, you might encounter error messages that flash by in fleeting moments that say the following:
------------------------- ANTICONF ERROR ---------------------------
Configuration failed because libcurl was not found.
Try installing:
    * deb: libcurl4-openssl-dev (Debian, Ubuntu, etc)
    * rpm: libcurl-devel (Fedora, CentOS, RHEL)
    * csw: libcurl_dev (Solaris)
If libcurl is already installed, check that 'pkg-config' is in your PATH and PKG_CONFIG_PATH contains a libcurl.pc file. If pkg-config is unavailable you can set INCLUDE_DIR and LIB_DIR manually via:
R CMD INSTALL --configure-vars='INCLUDE_DIR=... LIB_DIR=...'                                                                                       --------------------------------------------------------------------  


---------------------------------------------                                                                                    Unable to find the LibSSH2 (ver>=v1.8) library on this system. Building git2r without support for SSH transport.
To build with SSH support, please install:
    libssh2-1-dev (package on e.g. Debian and Ubuntu)
    libssh2-devel (package on e.g. Fedora, CentOS and RHEL)
    libssh2 (Homebrew package on OS X)
and try again.

If the LibSSH2 library is installed on your system but the git2r configuration is unable to find it, you can specify the include and lib path to LibSSH2 with:
 R CMD INSTALL git2r --configure-vars='LIBS=-L/path/to/libs CPPFLAGS=-I/path/to/headers'


------------------------- ANTICONF ERROR ---------------------------
Configuration failed because libxml-2.0 was not found. Try installing:                            
    * deb: libxml2-dev (Debian, Ubuntu, etc)
    * rpm: libxml2-devel (Fedora, CentOS, RHEL)
    * csw: libxml2_dev (Solaris)
If libxml-2.0 is already installed, check that 'pkg-config' is in your PATH and PKG_CONFIG_PATH contains a libxml-2.0.pc file.
If pkg-config is unavailable you can set INCLUDE_DIR and LIB_DIR manually via:
R CMD INSTALL --configure-vars='INCLUDE_DIR=... LIB_DIR=...'                                                                                       --------------------------------------------------------------------    

Install the Linux libraries listed above according to your Linux distributions.