Welcome to the scholarship application page for SIP2024. This year we will offer scholarships to support either (1) the attendance to the Biopharmaceutical Summer Academy course at the University of Connecticut or (2) financial aid for travel expenses for the SIP2024 conference. To promote diversity among the field of statistics, applicants who come from underrepresented communities will be given priority during the scholarship selection process. Final decisions will be made at the sole discretion of the SIP award committee.

Deadline: 31-May-2024
Scholarship eligibility: Undergraduate students and above.

The application is closed.

The scholarship awardees will be announced by 14-June-2024.

2023 Scholarship Recipients

Matthew Mester

mattewMatthew is a recent graduate from the University of Connecticut with an MS in Biostatistics. He will be starting a Data Analyst job at the Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine in Maryland this Fall with a goal of working towards a career in Pharmaceuticals as a Biostatistician.

Cicily Balachandar

cicilyCicily is a second year MS student in biostatistics at the University of Connecticut, where she also received her BS in Mathematics-Statistics. Cicily aspires to become a statistical programmer.

Ehsan Fayyazishishavan

ehsanEhsan Fayyazishishavan is a Ph.D. student in Biostatistics at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston and holds a Ph.D. in Statistics from Yildiz Technical University. With a rich background in statistics and extensive academic experience, he possesses a keen interest in the pharmaceutical industry. Ehsan is deeply passionate about the transformative role of biostatistics in drug development and its potential to impact healthcare on a global scale.

Akua Owusu

akuaAkua Kwartemaa Owusu is a junior undergraduate student studying Mathematics with a concentration in Biostatistics. She is passionate about research and plan to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics after completing her undergraduate degree.

Sarahna Azaria Moyd

sarahnaSarahna is a PhD candidate in Environmental Health Sciences at Emory University. Her interests are to use quantitative adverse outcome pathway and computational toxicology models to elucidate mechanisms of chemical-induced ovarian maturation from birth through menopause. Her goal is to be an expert computational reproductive toxicologist and use mechanistic modeling to improve therapeutic efficacy for those seeking to conceive.

Ruishan Lin

ruishanRuishan is a Ph.D. student in statistics at George Mason University. Her research is dedicated to developing robust statistical tools to analyze and interpret crowd-sourced data, with a focus on Bayesian methodologies.

Jue Zhang

jueJue is currently a Ph.D. student in Mathematics at Ohio University. Notably, she assumed the role of Treasurer for the American Mathematics Society - Ohio University, showcasing her leadership and organizational acumen. Her pursuit of knowledge and research is matched by her fervor for Healthcare Analytics and Biostatistics, a field she ardently aspires to contribute to.

Abebe Nega

abebeAbebe is a lecturer in the Department of Statistics at Jimma University, Ethiopia. His research interest is joint modeling of longitudinal measurements and survival time to cardiovascular disease complication among hypertensive outpatients.

Year Recipients
2022 Abdul Mahama, Caroline Yovanovich, Sandra Tay, Shreya Mittal, Yan Liu, Jushawn Macon, Taylor Ward.
2021 Abraham Adokwei, Prince Allotey, Danielle Brister, Alidan Duoerkongjiang, Sana Gupta, Chuks Ijede, Yinxue Li, Pearl Mberede, Okafor Okwunchuwku Stanley, Yanzhao Wang, Diezhang Wu, Muskan Yadav.